Some Guidance Notes

Once I was in another country and heard two residents discussing how they were "lucky to live in the best country in the world. Everyone wants to belong here". It made me think and I concluded that:

1. Few people want to be another nationality. They may envy the standard of living of another country and for that reason some may seek to live elsewhere but ideally they would like to bring that wealth (or other desirable attribute) back to their own country.

2. People are proud of who they are and would like to tell others about those qualities that make them part of their country and its people

3. It takes some thought to describe what these attributes are for each country and it can only be done by someone who belongs there.

So this blog is a way for people from each country to describe their shared qualities - based on such things as history, geography, culture or national character. These should avoid political bias and short term factors. They should be enduring. Someone reading this 20 years ago, or in 20 years time, should still agree with your description.

Any anecdotes or stories that you can add to help illustrate your points would be most welcome

So as an example: Here is why I am proud to be British:


As an island situated off the coast of Europe, Britain has long enjoyed the luxury of participating in Europe while also developing links with many other countries across the globe. Britain is a tolerant society which accepts other's viewpoints and traditions without feeling this as a threat to its own culture. This has enable the country to absorb people of other countries who wish to live here and who in turn have helped enriched British culture and develop a healthy cosmopolitan society.

Humour is very important to the British as a way to avoid conflict and maintain good relations. We are sceptical of authority in general and government in particular. We question what we are told to search for the facts that can help form our own opinion. This is a key constituent of a healthy democracy.

Britain is a strong advocate of fairness and has played a proud role in fighting for democracy and freedom in the world. While our colonial past was not without its darker aspects, the country has largely been able to extricate itself from this chapter in our history while retaining good relations with those countries as equal partners.

For such a small island British geography is very varied. It is densely populated and therefore seeking ways to protect its environment under such development pressures. The temperate climate is reflected in the national character, in not given to extremes.

Thursday, 29 April 2010


An Irish friend was once speaking to a Mexican. The Mexican asked him whether in Ireland there was any word that meant the same as 'manana'. My friend said no, they had no word in Irish that conveyed quite the same degree of urgency
